Midnite Solar
MidNite Solar is an innovative manufacturing company that started by making high-quality, cost-effective AC and DC disconnect boxes for the alternative energy industry. Now, MidNite produces a wide range of alternative energy products.
MidNite Solar is the largest manufacturer of combiner boxes in North America from the MNPV3 to the MNPV10-1000.
MidNite's full range of Surge Protection Devices (SPD) offer the highest levels of protection from lightning and power line surges. They’re very competitively priced
Midnite Solar - MNWBJR
Midnite Solar - MNEDC-100
Midnite Solar - MNEPV-20-300
Midnite Solar - EP-CL250-ADD
Midnite Solar - EP-CL150-ADD
Midnite Solar - EP-CL200-ADD
Midnite Solar - MNDC125
Midnite Solar - MNDC175
Midnite Solar - MNDC250
Midnite Solar - MNAC-BUS
Midnite Solar - MN250-BUS
Midnite Solar - EPM-CL150-ADD
Midnite Solar - EPM-CL200-ADD
Midnite Solar - EPM-CL250-ADD
Midnite Solar - MNE250STM-L
Midnite Solar - MNE175STM-L